Physical activity & sedentary behaviour surveillance and assessment event at EXPO in Milan
March 18, 2015
Wouldn’t it be cool if we could distinguish sitting from lying from sleeping?
March 23, 2015March 23-29 is Unplug and Play Week in Canada. From ParticipACTION:
Turn off the screens. Turn up the play.
Now that our electronics are only ever a finger’s reach away, the average Canadian child spends close to 8hrs a day in front of a screen. So let’s help our children by leading by example. Let’s put our electronics down for at least 60 minutes a day and get outside for some physical activity. To help, here’s an Unplug & Play Checklist with a week’s worth of ideas. You’ll also find a customizable certificate to award your little ones if they stay active for all 7 days.
The site also offers a screen time log to track screen time. Happy Unplug and Play Week!