Exploring the context of sedentary behaviour in older adults (what, where, why, when and with whom)
November 16, 2015
MSc opportunity at University of Regina (Canada)
December 1, 2015The below study may be of interest to SBRN members. Please see details below.
As a practitioner or researcher whose work is in some way connected with physical activity, sedentary time and/or sleep, you are being invited to participate in a survey soliciting your opinion on a draft of Canada’s Integrated 24-Hour Movement Behaviour Guidelines for Children and Youth: an integration of physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep (herein referred to as the Integrated Guidelines).
Traditionally, research examining the health implications of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep among children and youth has been conducted in movement behaviour silos, even though these behaviours do not occur in isolation of each other and have intuitive and empirical interactions. A body of research indicates that an integrated or holistic approach is more effective in changing behaviour resulting in a larger impact on health indicators, compared to an approach that only focuses on individual risk factors. Feedback from Canadian pediatricians, our knowledge user colleagues, and our expert international collaborators indicates that evidence-informed 24-hour guidelines that integrate physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep are needed and preferred over separate guides in order to enhance the promotion of healthy active lifestyles among children and youth across Canada.
With leadership from the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, a group of Canadian and International research and practice experts in physical activity, sedentary behaviour, sleep, and health promotion were convened to participate in the development of the Integrated Guidelines. After reviewing and consolidating the existing bodies of evidence in physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep, the experts have produced an initial version of the Integrated Guidelines.
One of the final stages in the development of the Integrated Guidelines is to gain feedback about the clarity of the guidelines, as well as level of agreement, perceived importance, and support for the guidelines from a large number of practitioners (e.g., pediatrics, education, public health, health promotion, physical activity, etc.). Acceptance and dissemination of the Integrated Guidelines is important for the alignment of strategic efforts in policy, practice, and research aimed at promoting health for Canadian children.
Participation in this survey is voluntary. By accessing and completing this survey you are giving your implied/passive consent to participate in the survey. A potential discomfort may include you feeling uncomfortable with some of the questions being asked if they are sensitive or evocative. If you feel uncomfortable, you may choose not to answer a question. The survey does not collect information about your name or email address and responses will be presented in group format only. This survey will be distributed through our collaborating partner’s networks, memberships and email listservs; in the past, similar surveys have resulted in 2,000 respondents. If you have any questions about this study, please contact Dr. Mark Tremblay at 613-737-7600 ext. 4114 or mtremblay@cheo.on.ca. The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Research Ethics Board (REB) has reviewed this protocol. The REB considers ethical aspects of all research studies involving human participants at the CHEO and its Research Institute. If you have any questions about your rights as a study participant, you may contact the CHEO REB Chairperson at 613-737-7600 ext. 3624.
Note: Canada’s Integrated 24-Hour Movement Behaviour Guidelines for Children and Youth is in draft form and is not intended for general circulation.
Click on the link below for more information on the survey and instructions on how to get started. Thanks for your time!
We encourage you to circulate the survey link to your colleagues and among your networks. This stakeholder survey will be open until 12 p.m. EST on December 18th, 2015.