Taxonomy-based content analysis of sedentary behavior questionnaires: A systematic review
March 21, 2018
VitaBit-A new alternative for measuring sedentary behavior
April 23, 2018Via the MRC Epidemiology Unit website:
The Moller Centre, Cambridge, Saturday 13th October 2018
The ISPAH Sedentary Behaviour Council will run a one day workshop in Cambridge on Saturday 13 October, just prior to the ISPAH Congress in London.
During the course of the day we will examine established and emerging evidence on the biological mechanisms via which sedentary behaviour may affect disease risk. Understanding biological pathways is critical for causal inference. Better mechanistic understanding may also provide insight into the best way to alter sedentary behaviour (reduce total duration vs ’break up’ extended bouts) in order to optimise disease prevention.
We have assembled an exciting programme, which includes Professor Nick Wareham as our keynote speaker. Our morning session will feature talks from distinguished and emerging researchers who will share new findings from mechanistic studies. In the afternoon, we will highlight new methods that can help extend this field of enquiry. Confirmed speakers include:
- Professor David Dunstan, Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne
- Dr Thomas Yates, University of Leicester
- Dr Audrey Bergouignan, University of Colorado, and CNRS IPHC – University of Strasbourg
The meeting starts at 09:00 and finishes at 16:00, making it possible to travel from and to London for the day (50 minutes by train).
Registration fee will be £110 for Sedentary Behaviour Council members, and £140 for non-members. Registration includes morning and afternoon tea, lunch and lunchtime games on the lawn.
Only 65 spaces are available for this workshop.
Registration opens shortly after Easter – watch this space!
Please send any questions to SBCsatellite2018@mrc-epid.cam.ac.uk